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Judicial Screening Announcement, Nominating Meeting

11 Jan 2023 3:25 PM | Anonymous

**This Notice Supersedes the Prior Notice Sent out by the Bar**

The Arlington Bar Board of Directors has voted to refer the vacancy created by Judge Lopez's appointment to the Circuit Court to the Judicial Selection Committee. The Board of Directors announces a Nominating Meeting to be held on January 31 at 4pm, in-person and online via Zoom.

Attorneys interested in seeking appointment as a judge for the General District Court must submit an electronic copy of their completed application (available by clicking here) to ArlingtonCountyBar@Gmail.com by January 17, 2023 at 5pm. Late applications will not be considered. Interviews will be conducted starting the week of the January 17th. 

Applications must be submitted electronically, and voting by the Membership will also be conducted online, via an emailed ballot, over two business days: January 31 and Feb 1. Only Active Dues-Paid Members will be allowed to participate and vote in the judicial selection process.  If you are uncertain about your dues status, please contact ArlingtonCountyBar@gmail.com immediately with "Dues Inquiry" in your subject line. Only Arlington County Bar Association members that have paid their dues by January 17, 2023 will be eligible to participate in the voting process for this vacancy. 

Pursuant to the by-laws of the Association, interested applicants must be Nominated by a Member at the Nominating Meeting. Such nominations need not be seconded and will be a graceful 5 minutes. 


1425 North Courthouse Road, Suite 1800
Arlington, VA 22201